Saturday, September 19, 2015

how to survive a tech apocalypse 101

The Struggle - Grizfolk 

Imagine being 300km away from home, stuck with 2 (extra) annoying siblings -i'm kidding- and having to watch your phone slip away in just mere seconds. Well congratulations to me! I went through all of the above, hence the title. Now, most of you knows about this tragedy (like Fayed bc i know he would be reading this somewhere, somehow, sometime) would be laughing your ass out, but to those who don't, I lost my phone to the toilet. Yes, it jumped out of my pocket. YES I DROPPED IT IN THE TOILET BECAUSE IT JUMPED OUT OF THE POCKET OF MY STUPID KHAKIS. And the worst part is, the only part that survived was the back cover. How useless. But here's some tips for all you who cannot be separated with technology (esp your phone) like me because honestly, I kept searching my pocket and my bag for the phone that was probably already sinking in some stupid poop place. Hoho.

#1 : Never EVER put your phone in your pocket when going to the toilet. 
Okay maybe this one suits 'how to prevent a tech apocalypse' more than 'surviving a tech apocalypse' but it is the most important thing you should remember because not having a phone sucks. It really does. (especially when you have just rekindled your friendship with a certain someone and you're desperate to text them but you can't). So remember, no phones in the toilet!!!!!!!

#2 : Take a few moments to grieve over it, but remember to get back up on your feet.
Cry as much as you want, but keep it short. Keep it less emotional because well, even if there are a lot of meaningful texts and conversations in the phone, the memories are still etched in your brain, no?

#3 : Find something else to be attached to (a person could be good too, jk).
It is a well known fact that I'm a bookworm, so I took an initiative to search for books as a distraction. This is a great step, because for someone who constantly craves for the touch of the phone (like me), it gives you something better to focus on. Or maybe instead of books you can find people to fangirl (like Angel) (I'm kidding) or newfound friends who share the same sorrow as you.

#4 : Borrow phones, but be considerate. 
Aha. I borrowed my dorm mate's phones (and the aforementioned annoying friend's phone, too) to call my parents, too but try to keep it at the minimum level. School kids tends to use prepaid more than postpaid so let's keep that in mind, shall we?

#5 : When telling your parents, pick the one that you think is going to be less angry at you .
Losing your phone down the toilet is a goddamned tragedy which tends to get most people in huge trouble. Luckily, I wasn't one of the victims of this huge trouble. But really, I told my mum immediately and I thought she'd flip, but she didn't. I guess she was in a good mood :-) Choose wisely, friends. Haha.

#6 : Solve the problem. 
Get a new sim card, renew your number, that sort of stuff. It is vital that you update the people around you if you wish to change your number. (i'm honestly too lazy to continue with this)

I shall leave you to ponder on this, but please, try to prevent losing your phone. It sucks a lot hoho.

Til I find time and inspiration to write, ciao.

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