Thursday, January 8, 2015

Looking Back

Poison And Wine - The Civil Wars 

I am supposed to be studying and finishing my homework but I had the urge to rant. So, here I am.

Looking back at 2014, there's a lot of things that I think I have achieved mentally and physically. I am still same old fat sab, but physically I think I'm accepting myself better. I'm not happy because I know I should be a lot more fitter than this, I'm 17, but I am happy that I am able to not feel very ungrateful for the way my body is right now. Mentally, I think I have grown a lot more mature. I read my own blog the other day, and it felt like reading a diary. I reverted all my previous posts into my drafts and truth be told, I'm horrified. What did I even write? I think if I were to put them all back on the blog, you can actually compare and see the difference between the former me. Wow, that says a lot about how a year can change so much of you. 

Now that I'm nearing 17, I feel a lot more pressure. The big responsibility of SPM is there, and don't even mention the IGCSE results that's almost out. In a way, my style of thinking has really developed into something more as I grow. I'm not totally useless, and my voice should definitely be heard. Age does not define anything, not even maturity or experience. Other kids around the world have seen more of life than you have in your 17 years of life, trust me. Gah, now I know why I needed to rant. Personal isssues. Whatever. 

17. Seventeen. Oh my god. 

p.s. This might or might not be the last post before I head off to start my last year of being in Trazak. Have a fun year!

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